Flowers and flavours. Lose weight eating well


Autore: Alessandra Garavini
ISBN: 9788874426062

Anno: 2008
Pagine: 172
Formato: 13×21
Foto / Illustrazioni: a colori


I am ever more convinced that our organism knew the “rules of a correct diet” long before dieticians and nutritionists used scientific evidence to explain these “rules”.
Alimentary conditioning in recent years has distanced us from our bodies’ innate “alimentary wisdom” and is leading us to obesity and pathologies associated with nutritional disorders, such as dislipidemy, hypocholesterolemia, bulimia and anorexia.
In this little collection of recipes, apart from other related nutritional information, I am trying, together with you, to rediscover that “alimentary awareness” which can lead us towards a natural well-being.

Alessandra Garavini, born in Ravenna in 1963, graduated as an agronomist and became the manager of one of the most important Italian orchid manufacturing companies. In 1997, she moved to Messina where she did a degree in Science and Herbalist Technology at the Faculty of Pharmacy, followed by a degree in Biological Science in the field of nutrition. Currently, she deals with food intolerance at the Centre for Nutritional Disorders in Papardo Hospital, Messina. She organizes meetings about the properties of medicinal herbs. She promotes and organizes Nature Project workshops in some Messina schools, also working with the differently-abled.

Photo by Carmela D’Arrigo


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